Fieldphones based waste of bandwidth.

The Collection

This is a showcase of my small collection of field telephones of all kinds: military, PTT lineman's, railway, industrial. Mostly for my own pleasure, but kept in english for maximum compatibility. I plan to bring the collection online based on a somewhat regularly scheduled video/vlog, but let's see about the "regular". Latest five episodes listed below with newest on top:

The List

The Specials

The Library

Military field telephony original documents






Military field telephony history and collectors reference books (Short reviews of some)

Telephony related history, collectors reference and technical books



Field phone specific

General Telephone Collectors Resources


"Mr. Watson — Come here — I want to see you."
- Alexander

Everything on is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Caveats: Be warned, I'm not a native english speaker - so, here be dragons and errors.
Terms: Use at your own risk. Content on linked sites is out of my control.
Privacy: No cookies, no google analytics, no other crap (server local apache logs purged regularly), youtube embeds with nocookie url.

Page design based on this and this. Page maintained using Git.

Handmade in Basel/Switzerland.